- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astronomie für Einsteiger - engl. Titel

Stan Gibilisco
Astronomy Demystified
A Self-Teaching Guide

Want to master astronomy or aerospace engineering but are intimidated by the complex formulas and equations? Tried other self-teaching guides but were turned off by the dry, complicated presentation? Problem solved! Astronomy Demystified is a totally different, very entertaining, and amazingly effective way to learn the mathematics, fundamentals, and general concepts of astronomy. With Astronomy Demystified, you ease into the subject one simple step at a time - at your own speed. Unlike most other books on the topic, general concepts are presented first - and the details follow. In order to make the learning process as clear and simple as possible, heavy-duty math, formulas, and equations are kept at a minimum.

McGraw Hill, 2002, 575 S.
26,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-07-138427-8

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