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Martin Mobberley
Astronomers' Observing Guides
Supernovae and How to Observe Them

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Supernovae mark the deaths of massive stars or of white dwarfs in binary systems, and are unbelievably violent events. Even when they occur in galaxies millions of light years away they can be within the reach of amateur astronomers’ telescopes.

More than 400 supernovae have already been discovered by amateurs.

Supernovae and How to Observe Them is a mine of information for all levels of amateur astronomer, from relative beginners to experienced observers. Whether you are interested in the supernova physics, observing supernovae and supernova remnants, measuring their spectra or even discovering new supernovae yourself, this book provides all the information you need.

Written for:
Amateur and practical astronomers

Springer Berlin, 2007, 220 S.
26,70 Euro
Paperback, w. 115 figs.
ISBN: 978-0-387-35257-2

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