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Jeff A. Farinacci
Guide to Observing Deep-Sky Objects (with CD-ROM)
A Complete Global Resource for Astronomers

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Guide to Observing Deep-Sky Objects is an invaluable reference for all amateur astronomers.

The book contains, for each constellation, (1) a star chart showing the Bayer labels, (2) a table for many of the stars in the constellation, along with their positions and magnitudes, and (3) a table of the major deep-sky objects in the constellation, with relevant observational data. Facing pages provide unique year-long graphs that show when the constellation is visible in the sky, which allows the user to quickly determine whether a given constellation can be seen, and when the best time to see it will be.

The CD-ROM features a unique PC program that produces a fully-customized list of the deep-sky objects that are visible in the sky at a user-determined time and place, for any location on the Earth.

The list can be printed out to provide convenient (and disposable!) printed lists that the practical astronomer can take to his telescope for each observing session.

Written for:
Amateur and practical astronomers

Springer Berlin, 2008, 190 S.
26,70 Euro
Broschiert, with CD-ROM, w. 200 ill.
ISBN: 978-0-387-72850-6

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