- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Galaxien - engl. Titel

Malcolm S. Longair
Astronomy and Astrophysics Library
Galaxy Formation

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This is a textbook for graduate students in astrophysics. The author is extremely well known not only as an astrophysicist but also as a writer of superb talent.

The presentation is clear and the book should become a favourite text for students. It deals with the matter and radiation content of the universe, and the formation of galaxies, and it gives a comprehensive introduction to relativistic astrophysics as needed for the clarification of cosmological ideas.

Graduate students, lecturers for astrophysics, researchers

Springer Berlin, 2007, 536 S.
80,20 Euro
Hardcover, w. 141 figs.
ISBN: 978-3-540-73477-2

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