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DK Eyewitness Project Book
Astronomy (with CD-ROM)

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Help your child learn all about astronomy using the new edition of this fact-packed guide with a giant wallchart, interactive clip-art CD and dedicated website. From the man whose children helped him to invent the telescope, to the incredible connection between Earth's seas and the Moon: let your child learn all about planets and stars and discover the history of the world's oldest science. They'll find out more about astronomy downloading 100s of amazing images from the clip-art CD. Then use the giant pull-out wallchart to decorate their room. Great for projects or just for fun, make sure your child learns everything they need to know about astronomy. This title also contains a dedicated website.

Penguin, 2008
7,90 Euro
Taschenbuch, with CD-ROM
ISBN: 978-1-4053-2931-6

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