- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Kinder- & Jugendsachbuch - engl. Titel

Jim Pipe
Discover your world in close-up

These titles in the well-written Earthwise series make solid science resources for younger elementary students.

Using language that is neither too sophisticated nor condescending, both works illuminate important details about how atmospheric phenomena occur and how they affect human life. Beautifully arranged with color photographs, attractive shadings, and various font sizes, the books provide information in meaningful, interesting snippets.

Every few pages, special icons denote two different types of activities to help readers experience some of the ideas shared in the accompanying paragraphs. One type of activity offers tips on observing weather, the sun, and their effects, and the other suggests art projects that readers might try to more fully appreciate the impact of science.

While the books express excitement and awe for their subjects, they don't shy away from addressing nature's devastating power and recommending ways we can protect ourselves from inclement weather and the sun's UV rays.

Stargazer Books, 2005, 412 S.
25,40 Euro
Lesestufe: ab 6 Jahre
ISBN: 978-1-932799-46-0

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