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Patrick Moore
Our Universe
Facts, Figures and Fun

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There is a quick and easy way of describing this book - 128 pages of facts about Space. Sir Patrick Moore has delivered exactly what it says on the front of this book, and he has done so in his very easy to read, simple and informative style with facts, anecdotes and the occasional opinion coming at you at a hundred miles an hour.

Although it could be said that in a way the title of this book is a little bit of a misnomer, for its focus is very much on The Solar System, with only the final of the eleven chapters focusing on the Universe beyond our local system. But this, I feel, is a remarkably good idea. Concentrating on the familiar parts of Astronomy, the Planets and the Sun, will ease people into a subject which can be somewhat intimidating.

He's also brought a deal of his natural enthusiasm to the book, you can just hear these words in you head been fired out at Sir Patrick's usual rapid rate of speech.

There are an incredible number of facts in these pages, without their being swamped in pages of exposition. Appropriate to the aim of the book, and to the series to which it belongs, it is too. These are supposed to "Facts, Figures and Fun" and the author has complied a book that most definitely fulfils all three of those goals.

Moore knows just the right facts to intersperse through his text to lift it from the mundane into a reading delight. One wonderful example being his choice of asteroids to mention - including as he does 6042 Cheshirecat.

Der Autor
Sir Patrick Moore ist im englischen Sprachraum einer der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Autoren populärwissenschaftlicher Bücher für den an Astronomie interessierten Laien.

AAPPL Artists' and Photographers' Press, 2007, 128 S.
11,10 Euro
Hardcover, w. ills.
ISBN: 978-1-904332-41-1

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