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Gutti J. Babu, Eric D Feigelson
Statistical Challenges of Astronomy

Digital sky surveys, data from orbiting telescopes, and advances in computation have increased the quantity and quality of astronomical data by several orders of magnitude in recent years. Making sense of this wealth of data requires sophisticated statistical and data analytic techniques.

Fortunately, statistical methodologies have similarly made great strides in recent years. Powerful synergies thus emerge when astronomers and statisticians join in examining astrostatistical problems and approaches.

The volume focuses on several themes:
  • The increasing power of Bayesian approaches to modeling astronomical data
  • The growth of enormous databases, leading an emerging federated Virtual Observatory, and their impact on modern astronomical research
  • Statistical modeling of critical datasets, such as galaxy clustering and fluctuations in the microwave background radiation, leading to a new era of precision cosmology
  • Methodologies for uncovering clusters and patterns in multivariate data
  • The characterization of multiscale patterns in imaging and time series data

As in earlier volumes in this series, research contributions discussing topics in one field are joined with commentary from scholars in the other. Short contributed papers covering dozens of astrostatistical topics are also included.

Springer Berlin, 2003, 506 S.
117,65 Euro
Hardcover, w. 104 figs.
ISBN: 978-0-387-95546-9

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