- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Meteoriten - engl. Titel

Lee Davison, Yasuyuki Hori, Toshimori Sekine
High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids V
Shock Chemistry with Applications to Meteorite Impacts

The shock waves produced by meteorite impacts give rise not only to the obvious craters seen on planets and their satellites but also to subtle effects seen only with chemical and petrographic examination of the shocked material.

Shock waves in the interplanetary and interstellar medium play an important role in the formation of stars and planets, including the solar system. They also produce important chemical effects in interstellar clouds of dust and gas, --- including the production of rather complex organic molecules.

This volume is concerned primarily with the chemical and physical effects of shock waves on typical Earth and planetary solid materials. The emphasis is on comparing naturally occurring materials with similar materials produced by shock compression in the laboratory. Such comparisons can provide clues about the environment and events that produced the natural materials.

The chapters in the book deal with three main topics: * methods used to investigate the effects of shock on recovered minerals and rocks * effects of shock on carbon and hydrocarbons * subtle effects of shocks on geochemistry, such as shock induced redistribution of lead isotopes, the effect of the great impact at the end of the Cretaceous on atmospheric SO2 and CO2, and effect of shocks on ices.

From the contents
  • Experimental Techniques for the Simulation of Shock Metamorphism: A Case Study on Calcite
  • Shock Experiments on a Preheated Basaltic Eucrite
  • Structural Evolution of Quartz and Feldspar Crystals and their Glasses by ShockCompression
  • Shock Reactions of Carbon-Bearing Materials and their Cosmochemical Significance
  • Shock-Induced Phase Transitions in Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite
  • Shock Wave Chemistry and Ultrafine Diamond from Explosives in China
  • Redistribution ofRadiogenic Lead in Plagioclase during Shock Metamorphism
  • Terrestrial Acidification at the K/T Boundary
  • Impact Processes of Ice in the Solar System

Springer Berlin, 2002, 248 S.
165,80 Euro
Hardcover, w. 94 figs.
ISBN: 978-0-387-95494-3

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