- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Meteoriten - engl. Titel

John F. Krizmanic, Jonathan F. Ormes, Robert E. Streitmatter
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol.433
Workshop on Observing Giant Air Showers from >10/20 e V Particles from Space

This book documents an emerging capability to use the Earth’s atmosphere to study the physics of a flux of particles whose origin is unknown. It was the consensus of the experts attending this conference that the few cosmic-ray events above 2 x 1020 eV are "real," and that it is extremely hard to understand their origin. They must be extragalactic and their interactions with 2.7 K blackbody radiation (assuming they are charged nuclei) restrict their origin to a relatively small region (by astronomical scales) surrounding the galaxy, a volume of space in which we know of no extraordinary, astrophysical acceleration sites.

Are these particles powered by black holes or are they remnants of the Big Bang? The workshop presenters explore such conundrums as they search for physical mechanisms that explain this mysterios phenomenon.

Ph.D.-level physicists in the fields of astrophysics and cosmic ray and elementary particle physics and readers in fields such as observational astronomy and Earth science.

Springer Verlag / American Institute of Physics, 1998, 546 S.
197,90 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-56396-788-7

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