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Ben Bussey, Paul Spudis
The Clementine Atlas of the Moon

The highly successful Clementine mission to the Moon in 1994 gave scientists their first global look at the Moon, and both the near and far side were mapped. This atlas is based on the data collected by the Clementine mission. It covers the entire Moon in 144 Lunar Astronautical Charts (LACs), and represents the most complete lunar nomenclature database in existence, listing virtually all named craters and other features. This is the first atlas to show the entire lunar surface in uniform scale and format. A section of colour plates show lunar composition and physical properties, and the atlas also includes a brief history of lunar science and exploration. The Clementine Atlas of the Moon will appeal to both professional planetary and space scientists, and serious amateur astronomers.

  • Introduction
  • Part I. Lunar History, Facts, and Global Maps
  • Part II. Clementine Lunar Atlas


"... it will most certainly appeal also to serious amateur astronomers with a keen interest in the Moon ... The Clementine Atlas of the Moon is undoubtedly the most authoritative source of lunar nomenclature currently available - the atlas is an indispensable reference to lunar surface features (especially on the far side), the geology surrounding features and lunar nomenclature."
(Astronomy & Space)

"Clementine Atlas has quickly become on of the lunar references that I use the most. It's the most convenient and accurate resource for identifying named features. It's also a great research tool ... Clementine Atlas reigns as the most comprehensive atlas of the entire Moon."
(Sky & Telescope)

Cambridge University Press, 2004, 376 S.
76,80 Euro
Broschiert, 300 half-tones 7 colour plates
ISBN: 978-0-521-81528-4

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