- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Satellitenbilder - engl. Titel

James B. Campbell
Introduction to Remote Sensing

Now in its revised and updated third edition, this comprehensive introductory text presents a timely overview of the most widely used forms of remote sensing imagery and their applications in plant sciences, hydrology, earth sciences, and land-use analysis.

This edition features new coverage of lidar technology, radar interferometry, and the present generation of satellite sensors, as well as other topics of current significance. Integrating knowledge from the many fields that contribute to remote sensing, the text is richly illustrated with 28 colour plates and more than 380 black-and-white images and figures.

Taylor & Francis, 2002, 552 S.
48,00 Euro
Broschiert, w. figs., 28 col. plates
ISBN: 978-0-415-28294-9

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