- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Teleskope - engl. Titel

Herve Burillier, Christophe Lehenaff
Hands-On Astronomy
A Cambridge Guide to Equipment and Accessories

There is a vast range of astronomical equipment currently available to the amateur astronomer. This handbook presents the variety of telescopes, binoculars and accessories on the market, to help the amateur make an informed choice when buying equipment. All selection criteria are taken into account, including level of experience, budget, and observation site. Indispensable to those with a passion for practical astronomy, this handbook will help the complete beginner making his first purchase, and provide advice for the more experienced amateur wishing to upgrade his equipment.

Cambridge University Press, 2002, 128 S.
17,50 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-521-00598-2

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