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Hale Bradt
Astronomy Methods
A Physical Approach to Astronomical Observations

Astronomy Methods is an introduction to the basic practical tools, methods and phenomena that underline quantitative astronomy. Taking a technical approach, the author covers a rich diversity of topics across all branches of astronomy, from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. Topics include the quantitative aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum, atmospheric and interstellar absorption, telescopes in all wavebands, interferometry, adaptive optics, the transport of radiation through matter to form spectral lines, and neutrino and gravitational-wave astronomy. Clear, systematic presentations of the topics are accompanied by diagrams and problem sets. Written for undergraduates and graduate students, this book contains a wealth of information that is required for the practice and study of quantitative and analytical astronomy and astrophysics.

  • Astronomy through the centuries
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Co-ordinate systems and charts
  • Gravity, celestial motions, and time
  • Telescopes
  • Detectors and statistics
  • Multiple telescope interferometry
  • Point-like and extended sources
  • Properties and distances of celestial objects
  • Absorption and scattering of photons
  • Spectra of electromagnetic radiation
  • Astronomy beyond photons

Cambridge University Press, 2004, 458 S.
53,90 Euro
Broschiert, 58 line diagrams 50 half-tones 16 tables 89 exercises
ISBN: 978-0-521-53551-9

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