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Patrick Moore, John Watson
Astronomy with a Budget Telescope

Explains what to look for when you buy a low-cost telescope. Listsand describes the best celestial objects to observe. Includes a detailed full-page star chart for every object listed, showing where to find it. Illustrates what you can expect to see. Includes a section on how to photograph and computer-enhance astronomical images. Full colour throughout.

Sir Patrick Moore, CBE, FRS, has long been the scourge of those people selling low-cost astronomical telescopes via mail-order catalogues and non-specialist stores. Ten years ago the quality was appalling and disappointment would have been almost guaranteed - but times have changed, and having surveyed some the best and worst of today's inexpensive mail-order catalogue and main-street astronomical telescopes Patrick has admitted to being astonished byhow good some of them are. Today, the best are now excellent value and useful instruments. Part One of Astronomy with a Budget Telescope provides reports on some available models along with detailed and essential hints and tips about what to look for when buying. Part Two describes how best to use the telescope, which celestial objects to observe (with full-page star charts to help find them), what you can expect to see, and how to take and even computer-enhance astronomical photographs.

Der Autor
Sir Patrick Moore ist im englischen Sprachraum einer der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Autoren populärwissenschaftlicher Bücher für den an Astronomie interessierten Laien.

Springer Berlin, 2003, 132 S.
18,14 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-85233-586-1

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