- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrobiologie & SETI - engl. Titel

Andrew M. Shaw
From Astronomy to Astrobiology

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The dynamic field of astrochemistry brings together ideas of physics, astrophysics, biology and chemistry to the study of molecules between stars, around stars and on planets. Astrochemistry: from Astronomy to Astrobiology provides a clear and concise introduction to this rapidly evolving multidisciplinary subject. Starting with the Molecular Universe, the text covers the formation of the elements, simple models of stars and their classification. It then moves on to draw on the theme of the Origins of Life to study interstellar chemistry, meteorite and comet chemistry as well as the chemistry of planets. Prebiotic chemistry and astrobiology are explored by examining the extremes of the biosphere on Earth, seeing how this may be applied to life in other solar systems.

Astrochemsitry assumes a basic familiarity with principles of physical and organic chemistry but no prior knowledge of biology or astrophysics. This innovative text incorporates results from the latest research and ground and space missions, with key images enhanced by a colour plate section.

This book will be an ideal text for an undergraduate course in Astrochemistry and an essential tool for postgraduates entering the field.

  • includes latest research and results from ground and space missions

  • colour plate section

  • summary of concepts and calculations at the end of each chapter

  • accompanying website

Wiley & Sons, 2006, 256 S.
125,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-470-09136-4

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