- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrobiologie & SETI - engl. Titel

Joseph Seckbach (Hrsg.), Maud Walsh (Hrsg.)
From Fossils to Astrobiology
Records of Life on Earth and the search for Extraterrestrial Biosignatures

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From Fossils to Astrobiology reviews developments in paleontology and geobiology that relate to the rapidly-developing field of Astrobiology, the study of life in the Universe. Many traditional areas of scientific study, including astronomy, chemistry and planetary science, contribute to Astrobiology, but the study of the record of life on planet Earth is critical in guiding investigations in the rest of the cosmos. In this varied book, expert scientists from 15 countries present peer-reviewed, stimulating reviews of paleontological and astrobiological studies.

The overviews of established and emerging techniques for studying modern and ancient microorganisms on Earth and beyond, will be valuable guides to evaluating biosignatures which could be found in the extraterrestrial surface or subsurface within the Solar System and beyond. This volume also provides discussion on the controversial reports of "nanobacteria" in the Martian meteorite ALH84001. It is a unique volume among Astrobiology monographs in focusing on fossil evidence from the geological record and will be valuable to students and researchers alike.

Written for:
Research scientists, graduate students in astrobiology, geology, geomicrobiology, paleobiology/paleontology, "open minded" readers

Springer Netherlands, 2008
213,95 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-4020-8836-0

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