- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrobiologie & SETI - engl. Titel

Barrie W. Jones
Life in the Solar System and Beyond

The Life in the Solar System and Beyond, Professor Jones has written a broad introduction to the subject, addressing important topics such as, what is life?, the origins of life and where to look for extraterrestrial life.

The chapters are arranged as follows:
  • Chapter 1 is a broad introduction to the cosmos, with an emphasis on where we might find life.
  • In Chapters 2 and 3 Professor Jones discusses life on Earth, the one place we know to be inhabited.
  • Chapter 4 is a brief tour of the Solar system,
  • leading us in Chapters 5 and 6 to two promising potential habitats, Mars and Europa.
  • In Chapter 7 the author discusses the fate of life in the Solar system, which gives us extra reason to consider life further afield.
  • Chapter 8 focuses on the types of stars that might host habitable planets, and where in the Galaxy these might be concentrated.
  • Chapters 9 and 10 describe the instruments and techniques being employed to discover planets around other stars (exoplanetary systems), and those that will be employed in the near future.
  • Chapter 11 summarises the known exoplanetary systems, together with an outline of the systems we expect to discover soon, particularly habitable planets.
  • Chapter 12 describes how we will attempt to find life on these planets,
  • and the final chapter brings us to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and the question as to whether we are alone.

Geschrieben für:
Amateur astronomers, science undergraduates

Springer Berlin, 2004, 318 S.
37,40 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-85233-101-6

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