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Muriel Gargaud, Bernhard Barbier (Hrsg.), Herve Martin (Hrsg.), Jaques Reisse (Hrsg.)
Lectures in Astrobiology Vol. 1, Part 1
The Early Earth and Other Cosmic Habitats for Li

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This is the first of a divided two-part softcover edition of the "Lectures in Astrobiology Volume I" containing the sections "General Introduction", "The Early Earth and Other Cosmic Habitats for Life" and "Appendices" including an extensive glossary on Astrobiology.

"Lectures in Astrobiology" is the first comprehensive textbook at graduate level encompassing all aspects of the emerging field of astrobiology. Volume I of the Lectures in Astrobiology gathers a first set of extensive lectures that cover a broad range of topics, from the formation of solar systems to the quest for the most primitive life forms that emerged on the Early Earth.

Written for:
Graduate students, lecturers, nonspecialist and specialist researchers

Springer Berlin, 2006
74,85 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-29005-6

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