- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrobiologie & SETI - engl. Titel

Muriel Gargaud, Phillipe Claeys (Hrsg.), Herve Martin (Hrsg.)
Lectures in Astrobiology Vol. 2
Advances in Astrobiology and Biogeophysics

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Based on material delivered at several summer schools, this book is the first comprehensive textbook at the graduate level encompassing all aspects associated with the emerging field of astrobiology.

Volume II gathers another set of extensive lectures covering topics so diverse as the formation and the distribution of elements in the universe, the concept of habitability from both the planetologists' and the biologists' point of view and artificial life. The contributions are held together by the common goal to understand better the origin of life, its evolution and possible existence outside the Earth's realm.

The volume ends with 120 pages of a very useful appendix comprising "Some Astrophysical Reminders", "Useful Astrobiological Data" and "An Astrobiological Glossary".

Written for:
Advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, nonspecialist and specialist researchers

Springer Berlin, 2006, 794 S.
176,50 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-33692-1

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